Summer is the season for fun—but unfortunately, it’s also a season that is full of personal injuries. Summertime is a chance to be outside–swimming at a pool or beach, hiking, biking, gardening, grilling out, etc. All these events can be fun, but it is important to be aware of the potential risks involved that can cause serious injuries.
Car Accident Injuries
There tends to be more traffic in the summer because of the number of people who are on vacation and teens that are out of school. Many of the drivers that you encounter may be tourists who are visiting your city on vacation, so they may get into an accident because they aren’t familiar with the roads. Other drivers may be teens who don’t have enough experience to make smart decisions behind the wheel. For these reasons, it’s important to be extra careful when driving during the summer.
Swimming Pool Injuries
Perhaps one of the most dangerous parts of summertime is the increase in pool use. While swimming pools can offer wonderful relief from the hot summer sun and also be a great place of entertainment in one’s home, they also present a unique hazard. You must be extra aware when there are children around, so as to prevent any slips and falls or drowning accidents. Drowning only takes a matter of seconds, so always be on high alert. According to, Almost 800 kids drown each year in the United States.
Boating Accidents
Many boating accidents are caused by speeding, intoxication, inexperience, and poor weather conditions. If you plan on operating a boat, remember to use good judgment. Don’t drive a boat unless you are licensed to do so—it’s much harder than it looks. Boat operators should never consume alcohol or drive recklessly, and they should always keep an eye on the weather before leaving the shore.
We are fortunate in Missouri to have so many beautiful lakes and rivers that can provide wonderful family memories. Please use caution and have a safe rest of the boating season.
If you or someone you know is in need of legal help, please know that our expert attorneys are ready to help you. If you are looking for the best personal injury lawyers in Missouri, the team at Sticklen Dreyer Tinney would love to speak with you. Our personal injury attorneys serve clients in cities like Joplin and Columbia, MO.